Iteration 2 of Soild Knitting Machine (goal was to create more geometry options) by Yuichi Hirose & Tracy Zhang
CAD (Soild work) Prototype
Iteration 1 of Soild Knitting Machine by Yuichi Hirose
Hand Soild Knitted Sandel Sample By Yuichi Hirose 

廣瀬 悠一: “ Solidknit is a project for research and development on solid knitting and the solid knitting machine.
Solid knitting is a novel knitting method to create dense 3D shapes and the solid kntting machine is a machine to automate it.
In other words, the solid knitting machine is a 3D printer using knitting.
With this machine, it will be possible to knit chairs, unwind them, and reknit the cord into shoes.”

Yellow: the output produced by the machine; Gray: the same structure, but hand-knitted.

The results are quite loose due to the machine's lack of a tensioning mechanism. To address this, we need to incorporate a system that continuously pulls the yarn (elastic cord) to maintain proper tension. Additionally, we should revise the design to decrease the distance between the lead screws.

For more diagrams and procedures click on this link!

Soild Knitting Machine Iternations
(research assistant of Yuichi Hirose)

In this series of illustrations, we present a methodical approach to addressing sustainability concerns related to beached whales. The process begins by examining the causes of whale beaching, followed by exploring the potential to harvest and repurpose energy from these stranded creatures to power remote coastal areas. Additionally, we consider the long-term ecological benefits of leaving a beached whale in its natural environment. Through this project, we aim to raise awareness about the underlying reasons for whale strandings and the broader environmental implications. Our goal is to propose an innovative approach that ensures every part of these magnificent animals contributes to the well-being of all stakeholders involved. 



I created this physical protoype of the caution tape mentioned in the educational phase of the project using the traditonal weaving methods by the alaskan people.